Bring on the carbs at Unlimited Breadsticks
September 29th was the USATF Niagara Trail Half Marathon championship, hosted by the Unlimited Breadsticks race. A point to point course, the race starts in Parkview Fairways and follows the Seneca Trail to Valentown in Victor. Once again, we were able to send full teams in every category, so we were looking to rack up some points in the series.
Conditions were treacherous following rain in the week leading up to the race, and all the runners quickly found themselves bounding through ankle-deep puddles and traction-denying mud within the first half mile of the course. Several of our racers fell and suffered injuries, but to their credit, everyone who started managed to finish.
The teams were led by Jordan Brouk (Open Men), Chad Byler (Masters Men), Inga Simning (Open Women), and Maria Palacio (Masters Women). Thanks to them and everyone else who ran, our teams finished thus:
Open Men: 2nd
Open Women: 3rd
Masters Men: 1st
Masters Women: 1st
This is the first time this year that the masters teams have won a race! Inquisitive minds may ask how many other masters teams competed at this race, and those inquisitive minds should learn to mind their own business and just congratulate our masters runners for showing up when others didn’t!
As it stands, Roadkill Racing holds second place in every gender/age category for the series so far. The last two races of the year are the XC Championship on November 6th and the Checkers 3K on December 3rd. Let’s keep this momentum going!